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    Family & Portrait Photographer

This family session was so much fun : ) I photographed them on a very cold December morning with their fur baby who is a rescue dog. To give you an idea how cold it was that day, imagine whistling to get the dog’s attention…there comes a point when you get sooo cold you CAN’T whistle anymore…guess what, dog treats are a great backup!!! And even though it was a little chilly it was all worth it to have these memories frozen in time.

I love capturing true and genuine emotions from my clients…and this time was no different. I brought along a few festive props to help get those gorgeous smiles. The unexpected laughs and looks on their faces are always my favorites from any session. Maybe one day the girls will use these photos of their mom and dad to create a 50th Anniversary album. Or the photos of the girls may be used in a wedding slideshow later down the road. I always hope my families enjoy their photos for years and generations to come.

Thank you Clark Family for spending a cold morning with me : )


















This little blue eyed BEAUTY celebrated a BIG milestone recently…she turned 1!!!!!! And to celebrate her big day I got to capture all her adorableness : )

Babies can be tricky to photograph. You REALLY have to plan ahead and have backups because you never know how a baby will react the day of the session.  Her mom and I talked and planned the session for a few weeks discussing everything from outfits to locations.  Her session was around 7:30 in the morning, not long after she woke up. She was well rested, fed and HAPPY despite the humidity.  And was sooooo good for me!!!!!  She didn’t even attempt to fuss until the end of her shoot only because she was tired.

I could NOT have captured her cuteness without the help of her parents and Mickey Mouse!!!! Her mom and dad went above and beyond to help me carry out the ideas I had for her outdoor session. Her dad not only brought out a fan to help keep us cool but he hung a movie projector screen that turned out FABULOUS for her photos.  Even Mickey Mouse showed up helping 3 adults sing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to get a smile from her : )  It truly was a team effort and SOOO WORTH IT.

Baby Emelyn I hope you enjoy these photos when you are older. You are going to be a heart breaker with those baby blues : )
















Well, the Christmas season has come and gone and even though these photos are a little late I say better late than never : )  I actually took these photos just two days before Christmas. My nieces had both been sick at different times in December and my session with them kept getting pushed back farther and farther. But I’m SO glad we had to wait.

The day I shot these it was between 60 -70 degrees outside AND sunny. Truly crazy weather in Kentucky during the month of December but I took it!!! All these photos were taken outside and I loved how well they turned out. I love using white in my photos whenever I can. Simple yet classy and timeless all at the same time : )

































In late July I photographed two families coming together as one.   I typically don’t shoot weddings, but this story was pretty special.  The bride is the mother of my brother-in-law.  She lost her husband a few short years ago.  And the groom had lost his wife several years before.  Finding love again after losing your spouse is very rare.  To find it the first time is magical but to find love twice in a lifetime is truly a blessing.  I saw the love between Kim and Robby all day.  From opening their gifts from each other to the moment when Robby saw Kim walking down the aisle.  You could just tell they were all lit up inside because it showed on the outside.  They had a beautiful day surrounded by their family and friends and four of the cutest little flower girls who happen to be Kim’s grand-babies : )

Thank you Kim & Robby for letting me capture your wonderful day.  I wish you both lots of happiness and many many years together.  It truly was a memory making day : )  Thank you for letting me be a part of it.


I had already taken a few posed shots of the girls. But wanted to capture them as themselves so I asked them to do silly faces. They LOVED it!!!

These are my favorite photos of Kim & Robby.

The Wedding Party was spaced out perfectly for this shot.

Grandy with all her grand-babies.

One of my favorites from the day : )













My nephew has to be one of my favorite people to photograph.  Not only is Luke sooooo photogenic but he is very laid-back and has lots of patience when it comes to his aunt taking a zillion photos of him : )  These Senior Photos were a long time coming.  We had several scheduling conflicts through out the year that kept pushing back the session date. But finally in May we were able to get the session knocked out. The day I took these photos it was so incredibly hot outside. We took several water breaks indoors while enjoying the air conditioning but Luke never complained about the heat.  I on the other hand felt like I was melting : )

I think Luke’s photos turned out wonderful.  You can plainly see the strong resemblance to his Uncle Justin, my husband.  There were times during the session when I had to move my camera away from my face to make sure it was still Luke I was seeing.  Even some of his mannerisms remind me of Justin.  I even got tickled at Luke a few times for his “Justin looks.”  But one thing is for sure.  Luke is a handsome fella : )  Runs in the family.

Thank you Luke for letting me capture your Senior Photos.  You are always so easy to work with.  And thank you for your endless patience with me.  I’m very proud of the young man you are becoming : )

























