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Lifestyle photography is what I’m passionate about.  Those candid moments that are not planned but just happen when given enough time.  When you step back and become an observer you see a person’s world differently.  That’s why I love photographing people in their own homes.  Capturing that uniqueness that applies to each person is what lifestyle photography is all about.  In my example below I literally walked into a genuine, unplanned moment that I knew I wanted to photograph. My niece was watching her Ipad without a care in the world at the kitchen table.  After taking a second look I realized she had lined up her My Little Ponies on the table beside her as her audience.  She regularly plays with them and other dolls this way.  I decided to shoot at eye level with the table so I could place my focus on the ponies while my niece was blurred yet still visible in the background.  I wanted to capture the uniqueness of the moment so I intentionally did not talk to her while I was shooting.  I wanted the photo to create the feeling of peaking in on a moment without intruding.  The end result is a priceless childhood moment frozen in time that I can show her one day and say “remember when…”.


                                                            WEEK 18 – LIFESTYLE


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