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On January 1, I began a new photography project called the 52 Challenge. It’s similar to the 365 project I completed in 2015 but this one is not as demanding and is very doable.  The 52 Challenge requires you to take one photo a week for 52 weeks over the course of a year.  You can either choose to follow a weekly prompt list, like I’m doing, or you can freely choose your topic of choice.  Either way works just as long as you take a weekly photo.

This first week the prompt was documentary.  My niece loves working puzzles and I knew I wanted to document her working with her hands.  I also wanted to be able to see all the letters and names she spelled out in the photo.  So the best approach was to shoot from above to capture everything.  Standing on a bar stool helped me achieve that.

                                                                                             WEEK 1 —DOCUMENTARY





The second week was candid.  My younger niece wanted to wear my new rain boots I got for Christmas.  And as you can see, she thought she was a big girl!!  I placed her in a well lit area.  There is a window to her right and directly in front of her.  She loves making people laugh and in this photo she was putting on a show for her papaw : )

                                                                                                         WEEK 2 —CANDID



For week 3 the prompt was your style.  I would describe my photography style as lifestyle or storytelling.  In this photo my niece was lost in the moment of baking cupcakes, a favorite past time for her.  I love capturing her engaging in a project, unaware that I’m photographing her.  She prefers this way of photographing her versus looking and posing for the camera. She doesn’t have to stop what she’s doing and I get to freeze a moment of her childhood.  A win-win situation for everybody : )

                                                                                                   WEEK 3 – YOUR STYLE



Depth was my prompt for week 4.  I decided to take my camera outdoors to photograph my holly tree.  Since I needed to photograph depth I decided to put the main focus on the red berries to the right while blurring out the house in the background.  To accomplish this look I had to lower my aperture setting resulting in a shallow depth of field.  By doing this the berries are isolated from the background making them stand out more.  When looking at the photo your eyes immediately look to the right because the berries are in focus.

                                                                                                            WEEK 4 – DEPTH






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