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For this week’s challenge I was looking to create bokeh. And oh, how I love me some bokeh : )  Bokeh is achieved by using a small aperture number and focusing on one part of your photo.  The result is your intended subject being in focus with a blurred creamy background or foreground.  This effect is good to use when you have a lot of distractions in your frame.  Bokeh helps to isolate what you want in focus and makes your subject stand out.  With most of the photo being blurred, the viewer’s eye automatically searches for the subject that is in focus.  In this case it was the bloom on the tree branch.


                                                              WEEK 15 – BOKEH



Week 16’s prompt was connection and it also happened to be Easter.  I couldn’t think of a better example of connection than a child connecting with SWEETS on that day : )  I don’t know about you but I can’t deny a child sweet treats and candy on Easter Sunday.  It just defeats the purpose of Easter in a child’s world : )  My niece happened to be a little extra hyper that day but she was in a great mood!!  The photo below is her enjoying a cupcake, fueling up for an egg hunt.


                                                          WEEK 16 – CONNECTIONDSC_0605



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