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                                  PHOTOGRAPHY 52 CHALLENGE  – WEEKS 5 AND 6

For week 5 my prompt was exposure.  Exposure refers to how much light and detail is in a photo.  You can choose to overexpose a photo by letting in more light than necessary.  You can also underexpose a photo by blocking out as much light as desired. For my photo below, I wanted to capture the detail of my niece’s right eye since it was closest to me.  I wanted to be able to count her eyelashes.  Since she was watching t.v. and being still it was easy to achieve focus.  I wanted the background to be blurry but still be able to see the shapes of the hearts so I chose an aperture of  f/3.5 to achieve bokeh.


                                                           WEEK 5 – EXPOSURE



My shooting prompt for week 6 was from above.  Shooting from a bird’s eye view has become a favorite of mine since I got my Nikon D750.  This camera has a tilt screen that I LOVE and has made shooting from above so easy.  In the photo below I originally wanted to focus on the table with the crayons and coloring books.  At the last second my younger niece was curious as to what I was doing and looked up. So I changed my mind and put the focus on her eyes.


                                                          WEEK 6 – FROM ABOVE


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